Al Tahoe Firewise USA Community
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Reduce Wildfire Risks
“The main objective of Al Tahoe FirewiseUSA® is to protect lives and property in the event of a wildfire, not only in the Al Tahoe neighborhood, but throughout the Tahoe region. The Marcella grant will allow us to send a direct mailing and have a “Neighbors-Meeting-Neighbors” event for all 1,611 dwelling unit owners/residents/renters, and community stakeholders of Al Tahoe.”

What is Firewise?
The nationally recognized Al Tahoe Firewise USA® program provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to improve the ignition resistance of their homes and community. Our objective is to reduce wildfire risks at the local level through defensible space and home hardening management.
How Can I help?
The ultimate goal the Al Tahoe Firewise USA community is to expand our efforts to reduce wildfire risks in the entire Tahoe Basin. Communities can get involved in wildfire prevention by fostering the idea that “we are all in this together.” One neighborhood, district, city, or county cannot do this alone. Remember, “you are only as safe as your next-door neighbor.”
How can my neighborhood become Firewise?
Form a neighborhood Firewise Committee (2-5 people) and define your area boundaries (include a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 2500 dwelling units)
Action Plan
Schedule a community “risk assessment” with your local fire department and write a three-year action plan. You will track neighborhood time and money spent on fire mitigation efforts and host a neighborhood event
Become Firewise
Once you have completed the requirements to get the Firewise designation, you can submit your neighborhood application. This can help reduce the cost of homeowners insurance for your area.
Dianne Rees - Core Team Leader/Administrator
We are a 100% volunteer organization of Al Tahoe homeowners taking on leadership roles. Our Leadership Committee consists of seven (7) devoted individuals.
Dianne Rees is our Core Team Leader/Administrator. Dianne is responsible for the initial development of the Al Tahoe Firewise district and facilitated the steps required by NFPA and Firewise USA® to be officially recognized as the Al Tahoe Firewiseusa® Community. Her background includes close associations with northern California fire districts. She has served on the Board of Commissioners with the Chester Fire District in Plumas County and helped establish a volunteer fire department in Cottonwood, in Shasta County. She was invited to participate as a panelist at the inaugural convening of the Climate and Wildfire Institute at UCLA last year. Dianne has been a home owner in the Al Tahoe neighborhood since 1976. She is a retired teacher, a community advocate, and a business owner. .