New Opportunities for High School Students
“Our vision for FLEX is to provide students with exactly what they need as they need it and to provide students with enhanced learning opportunities. Our purpose in providing this time each week is to increase student engagement and boost a sense of belonging at STHS. Our hope is that attendance would improve as well as the student’s perception of the climate and culture at STHS.”
What is FLEX?
Flex is a 35 minute block, 3 days per week, where teachers can provide enrichment activities for students. Marcella Foundation funds will provide enrichment materials and supplies for teachers who are looking for unique opportunities not available in the regular classroom.
Community. Belonging. Skills.
Some enrichment activities include:
Wildlife Biology
Comparative Embryology
Math Games
How to Start a Rock Band
Knitting & Crocheting
Mental Health Support
Paper art/junk journals
Plant Propagation
Adulting 101
Ski & Snowboard Maintenance
Debate Team
Pickup Sports
How can I help?
Several teachers have already indicated they will be reaching out to the community for support. One example is the teacher offering Adulting 101 has already talked to a loan officer about coming in and talking about banking. Another example is the band teacher teaching students how to start a band. As this program grows, we foresee greater community involvement in the FLEX options.